Foster Care Programs

Become a Foster Parent – Massachusetts

CFP’s Foster Care program in Massachusetts is designed to provide safe and nurturing homes to children and youth who require an out of home placement between the ages of 0-22. The program provides both short and long-term foster placements. Program staff guide the licensing process and provide foster families with a significant amount of training and support throughout the whole process and during any placements. Staff also work closely with the youth’s biological family to promote reunification.

Foster Care in Massachusetts

CFP’s Foster Care program provides highly individualized placement supports to a youth at risk of disruption, returning home, or navigating a transition. Our foster care program is designed to be flexible and responsive to every family’s individual needs. Services from the program can last from 6 weeks to 6 months as necessary and are always driven by the family’s goals and objectives. CFP believes that children do best in family settings and should remain in their own communities whenever possible. The program can alternatively provide support to prospective kinship or adoptive parents.

Learn more about how to Become a Foster Parent in Massachusetts, or get started now by filling out our MA Foster Care Interest Form.


Become a Foster Parent – Rhode Island

CFP’s Foster Care program in Rhode Island was built on the philosophy that there is a family for every child and a child for every family. This program seeks to develop permanent connections and relationships for high risk, difficult to place children and adolescents. Our foster care program combines the intensive treatment of a residential facility with the nurturing aspects of a family setting. The program is designed for children and adolescents ages 6-21, who are currently in the care and custody of Rhode Island’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF).

Foster Care in Rhode Island

CFP’s Foster Care services include weekly home visits for support and monitoring progress. Monthly mandatory trainings for families are provided that specifically target the needs of children in care and how to best support the placement. Many children also receive outside services that may include clinical therapy and on-going medical visits. Foster families receive a significant amount of training support from program staff. CFP’s Foster Care program in Rhode Island is a unique hybrid of therapeutic foster care and traditional group care for youth ages 13-20 years old. Our program is designed to work with youth whose behavioral presentations and severity of emotional needs previously precluded their placement in a family setting, and requiring a step down from residential/hospitalization before transition into generic foster home.

Learn more about how to Become a Foster Parent in Rhode Island, or get started now by filling out our RI Foster Care Interest Form.