Professional Foster Parents – Rhode Island

Did you know that you can be paid to be a full-time foster parent?

Communities for People is always looking for new professional foster parents for our Families for Children – Residence Model (FFC-RM) foster care program, a unique hybrid for up to four youth at a time who are not ready to go into traditional foster homes but do not require the intensity of the residential programs, with the goal of preparing them for a foster home, independent living, or a return home.

As a Communities for People professional foster care provider, you are paid tax-free directly through Communities for People and even receive paid time off. You’ll receive twenty hours of in-home support per week from a behavioral specialist, clinician, and social worker, and just like with our traditional foster homes, CFP staff are also on-call 24/7 if additional support is required or an emergency occurs.

You do not need to be coupled to be professional foster parents, but at least one adult in the household must be either working from home or not work other than as a professional foster parent to provide support for the youth in your home.


Foster Care Interest Form

Please fill out our inerest form and we’ll get back to you about next steps.


    Foster Care (Long Term)Respite Care (Short Term)Professional Foster Parenting